Old Mutual: Data Capturers - Entry level Jobs

Company : Old Mutual
Location: South Africa
Closing date: 13 June 2024

Please scroll down for more Details and Apply

Old Mutual: Data Capturers - Entry level Jobs


This role is responsible for providing customer service to customers in OM branches, primarily in navigating the digital customer service platform during the Two-pot retirement fund withdrawal window period.



  • Will assist with managing queues and reducing pressure on Branch staff.
  • Will assist customer on digitally enabled device with their Two-pot retirement fund transaction:
  • Providing reading information
  • Self-service guidance
  • Call centre details
  • Submission process through customer’s device

Minimum Requirements:

  • Grade 12 / National Senior Certificate or Equivalent NQF 4


Skills and Competencies:

  • Customer Centricity
  • Tech savy
  • Effective communication skills
  • Multi-lingual

How to Apply

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Date listed: 2024-06-12 06:52:51 | Closing date: 2024-06-13 | INTERN | Location : Nation wide South Africa